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Eighth Grade (Grade 8) Cell Structure and Function Questions

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Grade 8 Cell Structure and Function
Lysosomes in the cell work to                      .
  1. get rid of waste
  2. provide protein
  3. store all information
  4. transport materials
Grade 8 Cell Structure and Function
Grade 8 Cell Structure and Function
Grade 8 Cell Structure and Function
Grade 8 Cell Structure and Function
Grade 8 Cell Structure and Function
What structure in a plant cell enables the cell to capture energy from the Sun?
  1. cell wall
  2. chloroplast
  3. mitochondrion
  4. central vacuole
Grade 8 Cell Structure and Function
What is the function of the part represented by C in the cell shown?
Animal Cell
  1. builds proteins
  2. supports cell shape
  3. controls cell activities
  4. releases energy from food
Grade 8 Cell Structure and Function
Grade 8 Cell Structure and Function
Grade 8 Cell Structure and Function
Grade 8 Cell Structure and Function
Grade 8 Cell Structure and Function
Grade 8 Cell Structure and Function
Grade 8 Cell Structure and Function
Which cell part protects and provides shape for a plant cell?
  1. nucleus
  2. mitochondrion
  3. vacuole
  4. cell wall
Grade 8 Cell Structure and Function
Grade 8 Cell Structure and Function
An individual's "fingerprint" is carried by the
  1. cell membrane.
  2. DNA.
  3. mitochondria.
  4. RNA.
Grade 8 Cell Structure and Function
Grade 8 Cell Structure and Function
Grade 8 Cell Structure and Function
The                 serves as the cell's control.
  1. cytoplasm
  2. cell membrane
  3. mitochondrion
  4. nucleus
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