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Ninth Grade (Grade 9) Cell Structure and Function Questions

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Grade 9 Cell Structure and Function
Mitochondria are found in                              .
  1. animal cells only
  2. plant cells only
  3. neither animal or plant cells
  4. both animal and plant cells
Grade 9 Cell Structure and Function
Which cell structure has a cell's genetic material?
  1. organelle
  2. nucleus
  3. cell envelope
  4. cytoplasm
Grade 9 Cell Structure and Function
Which organelle is not found in animal cells?
  1. mitochondrion
  2. ribosome
  3. chloroplast
  4. smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Grade 9 Cell Structure and Function
The primary job of the cell wall is to
  1. protect the cell and keep its shape.
  2. store DNA.
  3. direct and monitor a cell's activities.
  4. help the cell move.
Grade 9 Cell Structure and Function
Which structure is made up of fats and proteins and surrounds a cell?
  1. plasma membrane
  2. cell wall
  3. cell envelope
  4. cytoplasm
Grade 9 Cell Structure and Function
Most cell membranes consist mainly of                            .
  1. DNA and ATP
  2. chitin and starch
  3. proteins and lipids
  4. nucleotides and amino acids
Grade 9 Cell Structure and Function
Grade 9 Cell Structure and Function
Why does osmosis cause an animal cell to burst when it is placed in a freshwater environment?
  1. Osmosis leads to water moving into the cell.
  2. Osmosis leads to water moving out of the cell.
  3. Osmosis leads to solutes moving into the cell.
  4. Osmosis leads to solutes moving out of the cell.
Grade 9 Cell Structure and Function
By the end of one complete cycle of meiosis, the original cell has divided into                                 .
  1. two genetically identical cells
  2. four genetically identical cells
  3. two genetically different cells
  4. four genetically different cells
Grade 9 Cell Structure and Function
Grade 9 Cell Structure and Function
Which process needs energy from a cell?
  1. diffusion
  2. osmosis
  3. facilitated diffusion
  4. active transport
Grade 9 Cell Structure and Function
What is one characteristic that only eukaryotic cells have?
  1. They have a nucleus.
  2. They lack organelles.
  3. They lack ribosomes.
  4. They have a cell wall.
Grade 9 Cell Structure and Function
Which correctly describes a function of the nucleus?
  1. stores DNA
  2. directs the activities of the cell
  3. contains the information needed to make proteins
  4. all of the above
Grade 9 Cell Structure and Function
How do prokaryotic cells differ from eukaryotic cells?
  1. Prokaryotic cells do not have a nucleus.
  2. Prokaryotic cells are much larger in size and width.
  3. Prokaryotic cells contain mitochondria.
  4. Prokaryotic cells have a less distinct shape in comparison to eukaryotic cells.
Grade 9 Cell Structure and Function
Which cell organelle plays the role of generating proteins?
  1. ribosomes
  2. nucleoli
  3. mitochondria
  4. chloroplasts
Grade 9 Cell Structure and Function
Grade 9 Cell Structure and Function
Which process utilizes the cell's energy?
  1. passive transport
  2. active transport
  3. diffusion
  4. osmosis
Grade 9 Cell Structure and Function
Despite differences in size and shape, all cells have a cytoplasm and a
  1. cell wall.
  2. mitochondrion.
  3. nucleus.
  4. cell membrane.
Grade 9 Cell Structure and Function
Which correctly describes where photosynthesis and respiration occur in plant cells?
  1. Both photosynthesis and respiration occur in the cytoplasm of cells.
  2. Photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplast, whereas respiration occurs in the mitochondria.
  3. Photosynthesis occurs in the mitochondria, whereas respiration occurs in the chloroplast.
  4. Photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplast, whereas plant cells do not perform respiration.
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