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None Cell Structure and Function Questions

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None Cell Structure and Function
None Cell Structure and Function
None Cell Structure and Function
What can be said about hydrophilic substances?
  1. never dissolve
  2. floats on water
  3. has a high affinity for water
  4. usually nonionic or nonpolar
None Cell Structure and Function
What do we call the basic unit of life?
  1. Mitocondion
  2. Atom
  3. Cell
  4. DNA
None Cell Structure and Function
Diffusion is what?
  1. movement of paritcles of a substance
  2. movement of gradient of a substance
  3. movment of optimum temp of a substance
None Cell Structure and Function
Nonliving things do not have
  1. cells
  2. properties
  3. color
  4. hardness
None Cell Structure and Function
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