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Fourth Grade (Grade 4) Character Study Questions

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Grade 4 Character Study CCSS: CCRA.R.1, CCRA.R.5, RL.4.1, RL.4.5
1 Once there were two little mice. One of the mice was a very hard worker. Every morning she would go outside and fill her basket with beans and nuts. She would store them in her pantry, and then head out to find food for the day. If it was raining, she gathered food. If the sun was blazing, she gathered food. If she was feeling sick, she still gathered food.

2 The cousin of the hard working little mouse was the exact opposite. She stayed out late partying and slept half the day. When she woke up, she played video games and talked on the phone with her friends. While she relaxed, she snacked on her beans and nuts. Soon she ran out of food and realized she would not have anything to last her through the winter.

3 The lazy mouse went to her hardworking cousin and asked if she could have some of her food to get her through the winter.

4 "Why don't you have any food," the hardworking mouse asked.

5 "I've been too busy partying and playing video games," the lazy mouse said.

6 "Well, I don't see why I should help you because of that," said the hardworking mouse. "You are going to have to face the consequences for your actions."

7 "Can't you just help me out a little," pleaded the lazy mouse.

8 "Here's a basket," said the hardworking mouse. "Winter is a few days away. Stop being lazy and gather some food for yourself."

9 While the lazy mouse was out gathering food, she came across a grasshopper singing in the field.

10 "Hey mouse," said the grasshopper. "Come and talk with me instead of wasting your time gathering food!"

11 "I only have a few days to collect food," said the lazy mouse. "You should be gathering some too."

12 "Oh please," said the grasshopper. "I have plenty of food right now. I'd rather have fun."

13 The lazy mouse said goodbye to the grasshopper and continued to gather her own food.

14 A few weeks later, the lazy mouse stepped out of her house to go visit some friends. On the way she came across the grasshopper looking weak and hungry.

15 "Bet you wish you had gathered some food now," said the lazy mouse. Then she went on her way, glad her cousin had helped her before she made the same mistake.

Which paragraph BEST shows the character of the lazy mouse?
  1. Paragraph 1
  2. Paragraph 2
  3. Paragraph 3
  4. Paragraph 4
Grade 4 Character Study CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.4.3

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Which paragraph BEST shows the character of the lazy mouse?
  1. Paragraph 1
  2. Paragraph 2
  3. Paragraph 3
  4. Paragraph 4
Grade 4 Character Study CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.4.3

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Which paragraph BEST shows how the lazy mouse has changed?
  1. Paragraph 11
  2. Paragraph 12
  3. Paragraph 13
  4. Paragraph 14
Grade 4 Character Study CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.4.3

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Which line BEST describes the kindness of the farmer?
  1. He would go out of his way to do whatever he could to make sure that the creatures he found were safe, well-fed and warm, no matter what kind of creature they were.
  2. This farmer was a kind man who loved all creatures.
  3. The farmer felt sorry for the snake. He was shivering in the cold and ice was beginning to freeze on his scales.
  4. Even though the snake was known to be poisonous, the farmer picked up the snake and took him inside.
Grade 4 Character Study CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.4.3

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Which line BEST shows the character of the snake?
  1. The snake became warm and was ready to go outside.
  2. He was shivering in the cold and ice was beginning to freeze on his scales.
  3. Because the farmer was asleep and could not let him out, the snake did what he did to humans he came into contact with, he bit the farmer.
  4. This farmer was a kind man who loved all creatures.
Grade 4 Character Study CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.4.3

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Which line BEST shows the character of the farmer?
  1. One day, the farmer found a snake outside on the ground.
  2. It was freezing cold outside and there was snow on the ground.
  3. The farmer felt sorry for the snake.
  4. He was shivering in the cold and ice was beginning to freeze on his scales.
Grade 4 Character Study

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What was Johnnie most worried about during the service?
  1. the rumbling of his tummy
  2. the mice skittering across the floor
  3. getting caught eating the pink cakes
  4. falling asleep next to his grandmother
Grade 4 Character Study

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How did Johnnie feel about going to church?
  1. He didn't like to go.
  2. He liked to see his friends.
  3. He wished he could sleep all day.
  4. He only went to see his grandmother.
Grade 4 Character Study

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How did Tom feel about staying at the school for Christmas?
  1. sad and lonely
  2. mad and bored
  3. happy and excited
  4. calm and peaceful
Grade 4 Character Study

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When Johnnie left church, he thought
  1. the mice were cute.
  2. no one had seen what happened.
  3. his grandma was going to scold him.
  4. he couldn't wait to eat Thanksgiving dinner.
Grade 4 Character Study CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.4.3
Based on what you read, draw a picture of a character or scene from the story. On the lines below, provide a written description of the character or scene in your own words.
Writing box and lines
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