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Third Grade (Grade 3) Chemistry Questions

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Grade 3 Matter
A liquid has mass that can be measured.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Properties of Matter
Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Properties of Matter
Two properties of matter are volume and                .
  1. property
  2. mass
  3. matter
  4. electricity
Grade 3 Matter
Which is these is NOT a state of matter?
  1. liquid
  2. gas
  3. smoke
  4. solid
Grade 3 Properties of Matter
All gases have mass.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Properties of Matter
Properties are
  1. any characteristics of matter that you can observe.
  2. the steps of the scientific process.
  3. when you make predictions.
Grade 3 Properties of Matter
Which of the following is not an example of a physical change?
  1. burning
  2. cutting
  3. freezing
  4. bending
Grade 3 Matter
Which one is not a state of matter?
  1. solid
  2. gas
  3. liquid
  4. heavy
Grade 3 Properties of Matter
An object changes states from a liquid to a solid. It changes after the temperature gets colder. What is this called?
  1. a gas
  2. a solid
  3. melting
  4. freezing
Grade 3 Properties of Matter
Which of the following is a solid?
  1. steam
  2. ice
  3. sea water
Grade 3 Matter
When an ice cube melts, it changes from
  1. a solid to a liquid.
  2. a liquid to a gas.
  3. a solid to a gas.
  4. a gas to a solid.
Grade 3 Matter
It has a volume that stays the same, but it can change shape. What is it?
  1. gas
  2. solid
  3. mass
  4. liquid
Grade 3 Properties of Matter
Which of the following is a liquid?
  1. Milk
  2. Book
  3. Steam
  4. Pencil
Grade 3 Properties of Matter
A state of matter that can spread out to fill the whole space
  1. liquid
  2. gas
  3. solid
Grade 3 Matter
A state in which matter has a definite shape and volume is called                .
  1. solid
  2. liquid
  3. gas
Grade 3 Properties of Matter
You can change a solid into a liquid by melting it.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Matter
How are liquids and solids different?
  1. A liquid doesn't change shape, but solids do.
  2. Solids don't have volume, but liquids do.
  3. A liquid takes the shape of its container. Solids don't change shape.
  4. Solids fill the space they are put in. Liquids only take the shape of the container they are put in.
Grade 3 Matter
Ice is an example of water in which state of matter?
  1. gas
  2. liquid
  3. cold
  4. solid
Grade 3 Matter
A state in which matter has no definite shape and no definite volume is                .
  1. liquid
  2. solid
  3. gas
Grade 3 Properties of Matter
Volume is the amount of                 that matter takes up.
  1. gases
  2. space
  3. liquid
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