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College Christian Studies Questions

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College Teachings of the Bible
The                 served as a "spokesperson" for God.
  1. Prophet
  2. Priest
  3. Nazirite
  4. Judge
College Teachings of the Bible
Which TWO empires figured prominently in the foreign policy of the Kingdom of Judea in its last decades?
  1. Egypt
  2. Rome
  3. Mesopotamia
  4. Babylon
College Christian Studies
"Direct Biblical Instruction" refers to teachings of the Bible that are implied through stories and commands, rather than explicitly stated.
  1. True
  2. False
College Teachings of the Bible
Two of these concerns are most identified with the priests, and two with the prophets. Which two are are most identified with the PRIESTS?
  1. Speaking truth to Power
  2. Purification from Skin Disorders
  3. Economic Justice
  4. Animal Sacrifice
College Teachings of the Bible
When speaking to both non-Christians and Christians which is "NOT" important:
  1. Remove all insider language, insider stories, and insider references that only Christians would understand.
  2. Take the opportunity to communicate with your non-churched visitors, engaging their questions, using their frame of reference, experience, and language.
  3. Don't preach from controversial passages
  4. Be sensitive, not callous, to people who have no Christian formation.
College Teachings of the Bible
This book of the bible is divided into five "books," suggesting a connection to the Five Books of Moses.
  1. Ruth
  2. Psalms
  3. Job
  4. Ecclesiastes
College Teachings of the Bible
He was assassinated by a relative of Zedekiah, and the anniversary of his murder became a fast day in Judaism
  1. Ezra
  2. Nebuchadnezzar
  3. Jeremiah
  4. Gedaliah
College Teachings of the Bible
God's justice is a major theme in the Book of Job. The theological term for "God's justice" is                ?
  1. Parallelism
  2. Reward
  3. Theodicy
  4. Etiology
College Teachings of the Bible
Biblical depictions of women didn't determine the way ancient society viewed them; rather they reflected society's views.
  1. True
  2. False
College Teachings of the Bible
                the Scribe presided over a public reading of the "book of the law of Moses" during the post-exilic period.
  1. Hosea
  2. Ezra
  3. Gedaliah
  4. Jeconiah
College Teachings of the Bible
“Simple”means superficial, shallow, or simplistic.
  1. True
  2. False
College Teachings of the Bible
The ultimate purpose of the Bible is not to teach Israel’s history or even doctrinal facts.
  1. True
  2. False
College Tenets of the Catholic Faith
Charles the Great brought together two kinds of power and authority,             spiritual            and          secular          , in the same person and office, in the year 800 AD.
College Teachings of the Bible
Among the many accomplishments of this post-exilic figure, he is known as the one who rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem.
  1. Nehemiah
  2. Solomon
  3. Zedekiah
  4. Josiah
College Teachings of the Bible
The most powerful form of advertising is still the personal testimony.
  1. True
  2. False
College Tenets of the Catholic Faith
One of the services the monastic movement provided throughout the middle ages is the preservation of ancient         texts        , both classical and Christian.
College Teachings of the Bible
Job's "Friends" justify his unbelievable suffering in a number of ways. TWO of them are described below, while the other two choices are NOT identified with the friends. Which TWO ARE identified with the friends?
  1. People sin, and God punishes them for it.
  2. Stuff just happens; there's no reason for any of it.
  3. God provides us with challenges that seem bad to us, but are really good for us.
  4. God and Satan make bets about us; that accounts for all the evil in the world.
College Teachings of the Bible
Which TWO men, one descended from priests, the other from kings, formed the "team" that led the early efforts at rebuilding Judean society after the exile?
  1. Zerubbabel
  2. Jeconiah
  3. Cyrus
  4. Joshua
College Teachings of the Bible
People do not relate to stories.
  1. True
  2. False
College Teachings of the Bible
Talking about a shared human experience will "NOT" establish personal credibility with your audience before you dive into the text.
  1. True
  2. False
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