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Twelfth Grade (Grade 12) Christian Studies Questions

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Grade 12 Christian Studies
Hebrew adopted by an Egyptian princess, raised in the royal courts, goes on to lead Hebrew people out of Slavery
  1. David
  2. Moses
  3. Abraham
  4. Joseph
Grade 12 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
We are called to serve shared common:
  1. messages
  2. love
  3. happiness
  4. vocations
Grade 12 The History of Jesus
Which parable examines the condition of the heart of a person who hears the gospel?
  1. The Pearl of Great Price
  2. The Hidden Treasure
  3. The Lost Sheep
  4. The Sower
Grade 12 Living a Godly Life
Jesus said love your                    as you love                   .
  1. neighbor, yourself
  2. mom, dad
  3. brother, sister
  4. family, friends
Grade 12 Teachings of the Bible
Who did God give the ability to interpret dreams?
  1. Michael
  2. Adam
  3. Daniel
  4. Peter
Grade 12 The History of Jesus
Which parable teaches us that it is better to obey God immediately in receiving the gospel?
  1. The Tares
  2. The Wedding Feast
  3. The Wicked Vinedressers
  4. The Two Sons
Grade 12 The History of Jesus
Which parable reminds us that we have been forgiven our sins against Christ infinitely more than any wrong others could do against us?
  1. Wise Man vs. Foolish Man
  2. The Dragnet
  3. The Unforgiving Servant
  4. The Talents
Grade 12 The History of Jesus
Which parable reminds us of the great love and care God has for each individual?
  1. The Hidden Treasure
  2. The Lost Sheep
  3. The Fig Tree
  4. The Talents
Grade 12 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
What is John Paul II real name?
  1. Karol Wotyla
  2. Carol Wojyla
  3. Carol Woyla
  4. Karol Wojtyla
Grade 12 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
Self Actualization is good relationships with family, God, and friend
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 12 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
What was Pope John Paul II first teaching project of his pontificate?
  1. The Gospel of Life
  2. Theology of the Body
  3. Faith and Reason
  4. Apostolic Letter Orientale Lumen
Grade 12 Teachings of the Bible
Love of others is = Love of self.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 12 Teachings of the Bible
King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream about what?
  1. glass vase
  2. gold
  3. silver
  4. statue
Grade 12 The History of Jesus
Which parable is a picture of the gospel going out into the world to all kinds of people?
  1. The Leaven
  2. The Lamp Under a Basket
  3. The Dragnet
  4. The Wedding Feast
Grade 12 The History of Jesus
Which parable did NOT contain truths about the kingdom of God and heaven?
  1. The Mustard Seed
  2. The Fig Tree
  3. The Hidden Treasure
  4. The Pearl of Great Price
Grade 12 The History of Jesus
What is the message of the Parable of the Unshrunk Cloth and the New Wine in Old Wineskins?
  1. A person must accept Christ- old religious traditions cannot save us.
  2. All born-again Christians possess the Holy Spirit.
  3. People get saved at different times of life, but all gain eternal life.
  4. It prophesies the spread of the gospel.
Grade 12 The History of Jesus
What is the message of the Parable of the Wedding Feast?
  1. We must give up everything to follow Christ.
  2. Christ clothes us with His righteousness before God.
  3. The only secure foundation to build your life on is Christ.
  4. The devil is a real spiritual person.
Grade 12 Living a Godly Life
We shouldn't love ourselves according to god.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 12 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
A vocation is a calling from:
  1. God
  2. Jesus
  3. Mary
  4. School
Grade 12 Tenets of the Catholic Faith
Spiritual Social Emotional is developing your God given gifts and abilities to the fullest.
  1. True
  2. False
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