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None Christian Studies Questions

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None Christian Studies
Circle the first three kings of Israel.
  1. Joshua
  2. David
  3. Nehemiah
  4. Saul
  5. Solomon
None Christian Studies
This book of the Bible means "Second Law" because Moses told the people about the laws again.
  1. Genesis
  2. Leviticus
  3. Deuteronomy
  4. John
None Christian Studies
The two books of the Bible named for women are Esther and Nehemiah.
  1. True
  2. False
None Christian Studies
Who was leading the people when they wanted a king?
  1. Joshua
  2. Nehemiah
  3. Samuel
  4. Noah
None Christian Studies
Numbers is about                    .
  1. beginnings
  2. the second law
  3. going out
  4. counting the people
None Christian Studies
God gave the people leaders call judges. Circle the three judges.
  1. Deborah
  2. Joshua
  3. Gideon
  4. Samson
  5. Nehemiah
None Christian Studies
Nehemiah led the people to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem.
  1. True
  2. False
None Christian Studies
There are many writers of the Bible. But, only       one      author. Who is the author of the Bible?               God or Jesus               
None Christian Studies
After Moses died, Joshua became the leader of the Israelite people. He led them to take over the land God had promised them.
  1. True
  2. False
None Christian Studies
How many times did the people march around the city of Jericho?     13     
None Christian Studies
The Israelites disobeyed God so much the He allowed them to become          slaves         in other countries.
None Christian Studies
The book of Leviticus is named for the                who taught God's laws.
  1. people
  2. Levites
  3. priests
  4. prophets
None Christian Studies
God told          Joshua         to have the people march around the city of Jericho.
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