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Search Results for adaptation - All Grades

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Grade 9 Zoology
When it is hot during the day in the desert, many lizards will burrow underground to keep themselves cool. This serves as an example of a
  1. physiological adaptation.
  2. structural adaptation.
  3. mental adaptation.
  4. behavioral adaptation.
Grade 9 Adaptations and Behavior
Grade 10 Adaptations and Behavior
  1. are living organisms.
  2. are changes that take place in an ecosystem.
  3. improve an organism's ability to survive.
Grade 7 Spelling
Indicate the correct spelling.
  1. adapt
  2. adaped
  3. adaept
  4. adapte
Grade 11 Vocabulary
  1. technical language
  2. thrills
  3. reveal
  4. to make suitable
Grade 4 Adaptations and Behavior
An adaptation is
  1. movement from one area to another.
  2. loss of a kind of living thing.
  3. a body part or behavior that helps a living thing survive.
  4. behavior that an animal is born with.
Grade 8 Synonyms CCSS: CCRA.L.5, L.8.5b
Synonym for adapt:
  1. regulate
  2. mesh
  3. mildness
  4. deny
Grade 5 Evolution
What is an adaptation?
  1. where an animal lives
  2. unique feature of an animal that helps it survive
  3. change that an animal goes through as it grows
Grade 8 Adaptations and Behavior
An action done to help an organism with survival is a                      .
  1. mutation
  2. behavioral adaptation
  3. variation
  4. structural adaptation
Grade 3 Botany
Poison is an adaptation that
  1. makes animals sick or itchy.
  2. pollinates the plant.
  3. attracts pollinators to the plant.
Grade 7 Adaptations and Behavior
                is an example of an adaptation.
  1. Camouflage
  2. Eating habits
  3. Sleeping habits
  4. Shelter
Grade 3 Adaptations and Behavior
Thorns are an adaptation that
  1. helps the plant keep water inside the leaves.
  2. attracts pollinators.
  3. pokes animals that might try to eat the plant.
Grade 6 Adaptations and Behavior
An inherited behavior that helps an organism survive is a
  1. behavioral adaptation.
  2. structural adaptation.
  3. mimicry.
  4. cast.
Grade 8 Adaptations and Behavior
When birds fly south for the winter they are demonstrating which type of adaptation?
  1. structural adaptation
  2. successful reproduction
  3. hibernation
  4. behavioral adaptation
Grade 8 Adaptations and Behavior
Which term describes an individual shivering when it is cold outside?
  1. genetic variation
  2. behavioral adaptation
  3. physiological adaptation
  4. camouflage
College Circulatory and Immune Systems
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