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Search Results for april - All Grades

209 questions match "april". Refine Your Search

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Grade 4 Christian Studies
What two months can Easter be celebrated on?
  1. January and April
  2. March and April
  3. February and April
  4. May and April
Grade 3 Days, Weeks, and Months
Month 4
  1. Apral
  2. April
  3. Aprile
Grade 5 Christian Studies
What two months can Easter be celebrated in?
  1. January and April
  2. March and April
  3. Februrary and April
  4. May and April
Grade 7 Civil War
When did the Civil war start?
  1. April 7,1887
  2. April 12,1861
  3. April 12,1871
Grade 3 Days, Weeks, and Months
Continuing Education Using a Calendar
Identify the full version of the following date.

2 Apr 90
  1. April 2, 1990
  2. April 90, 2002
  3. April 9, 2000
  4. April 20, 1990
Grade 7 Civil War
Grade 6 The Egypt Game
Melanie and April enjoyed playing pretend with these in April's bedroom.
  1. Pictures cut out from magazines
  2. Hot Wheels
  3. Barbies
  4. Marbles
Grade 5 Capitalization and Punctuation
Choose the list of words that are capitalized correctly.
  1. January, february, march, APRIL
  2. January, February, March, April
  3. january, february, march, april
  4. jAnuarY, FeBruary, MarCh, ApriL
Grade 4 Global Issues
Grade 4 Special Occasion Words

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Grade 7 Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions CCSS: CCRA.R.1, RL.7.1
There will be an abundance of flowers if it rains in April.

Assuming the above statement is true, what MUST be true?
  1. There will not be many flowers if it does not rain in April
  2. If it does not rain in April, there will not be many flowers
  3. If there are not a lot of flowers, then it did rain in April
  4. If there is a abundance of flowers, then it did not rain in April
  5. If there are not a lot of flowers, then it did not rain in April
Grade 6 The Egypt Game
Who originally began the Egypt Game?
  1. April and Melanie
  2. Melanie and Marshall
  3. April and Marshall
  4. Marshall and Elizabeth
Grade 2 Civil Rights
On what date was Martin Luther King, Jr. assassinated?
  1. April 16, 1659
  2. April 5, 2011
  3. January 09, 1966
  4. April 4, 1968
  5. May 22, 2003
Grade 7 Baseball in April
Baseball in April is a work of...
  1. science fiction
  2. fantasy
  3. tall tales
  4. fiction
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