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Search Results for biological - All Grades

330 questions match "biological". Refine Your Search

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Grade 7 STEM Words
Indicat the correct spelling.
  1. bilogy
  2. byology
  3. biology
  4. biologe
Grade 10 Biology
Biology is the study of
  1. rocks.
  2. chemicals.
  3. life.
  4. space.
Grade 7 Biology
Biology is the study of
  1. rocks.
  2. dinosaurs.
  3. life.
  4. water.
Grade 5 Biology
Biology is the study of
  1. space.
  2. life.
  3. humans.
  4. Earth.
Grade 9 Biology
Grade 9 Biology
What is biology?
  1. hypothesizing
  2. the study of life
  3. learning to make graphs or tables
  4. learning about the behavior of humans and organisms
Grade 9 Biology
Biology is the study of
  1. plants.
  2. animals.
  3. life.
  4. pure science.
Grade 9 Biology
In biology, homeostasis is
  1. always changing.
  2. a monthly change.
  3. an occasional change.
  4. the ability to maintain an internal balance.
Grade 10 Biology
Biology is the study of
  1. life.
  2. chemicals.
  3. natural science.
  4. the body.
Grade 10 DNA, RNA, and Genetics
Grade 10 Biology
Biology is the study of
  1. plants and animals.
  2. physics and chemistry.
  3. life.
  4. human life.
Grade 6 Biology
Biology is the study of
  1. life.
  2. rocks.
  3. stars.
  4. matter.
Grade 4 Biology
Biology is the science of
  1. life or living matter.
  2. minerals.
  3. weather patterns.
College Fitness
The key factors that influence physical activity are:
  1. biological, social, emotional, economic
  2. biological, social, mental, environmental
  3. biological, social, psychological, environmental
  4. biological, social, psychological, economic
College Conservation and Biodiversity
What is biological diversity?
  1. the relative abundance of all species on Earth
  2. the adaptation of living things to their environment
  3. the variety of life forms on Earth
  4. the environmental variability of species
  5. the complexity of life forms on Earth
Grade 9 Biology
Biology is the study of what?
  1. plants
  2. animals
  3. life
  4. cells
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