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Search Results for bottom - All Grades

512 questions match "bottom". Refine Your Search

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Grade 6 Word Processing
Where on the page is the footer located?
  1. Top of page 1
  2. Bottom of Page 2
  3. Bottom of Page 1
  4. On the bottom of all pages
Grade 7 Oceanography and Hydrology
The effect of the Sun heating the ocean makes the water near the top of the ocean
  1. warmer than the water at the bottom.
  2. cooler than the water at the bottom.
  3. the same as the water at the bottom.
Grade 10 Meal Planning
Drinking glasses belong on which side of the place setting?
  1. top left
  2. top right
  3. bottom left
  4. bottom right
Grade 10 Oceanography and Hydrology
This layer of the ocean is characterized by rapidly changing temperature.
  1. the surface layer
  2. the thermocline
  3. the bottom layer
  4. the arctic bottom layer
Grade 10 Oceanography and Hydrology
This layer of the ocean is characterized by rapidly changing temperature.
  1. the surface layer
  2. the thermocline
  3. the bottom layer
  4. the arctic bottom layer
College Skin, Skeleton, and Muscles
For most people, where would you expect to find glabrous skin?
  1. palms
  2. bottom of feet
  3. bottom of the toes
  4. fingertips
  5. all of the above
Grade 7 Connotations and Denotations
true : false :: top :
  1. bottom
  2. up
  3. down
Grade 3 Connotations and Denotations
Top is to bottom as sky is to:
  1. clouds
  2. ground
  3. bounce
  4. town
Grade 6 Connotations and Denotations
top : bottom :: large :
  1. huge
  2. small
  3. many
Grade 9 Oceanography and Hydrology
Grade 6 Botany
Grade 3 Fractions and Ratios
Grade 5 Sight Words
Continuing Education Defining Words
How DEEP is it?
  1. from side to side
  2. from top to bottom
  3. from bottom to top
  4. around it
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