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Search Results for broken - All Grades

423 questions match "broken". Refine Your Search

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Grade 9 WWII
Kristallnacht translates to
  1. The Holocaust.
  2. Night of the Broken Glass.
  3. Night of the Broken Sticks.
  4. Night of the Broken Hearts.
Grade 4 Defining Words
easily broken
  1. meter
  2. brittle
  3. creative
Grade 3 Spelling
The car's                 is broken.
  1. headlite
  2. hadlight
  3. headlight
  4. hedlight
Grade 7 Teachings of the Bible
Grade 4 Defining Words
easily broken
  1. outstretched
  2. creative
  3. metaphor
  4. brittle
Grade 5 Defining Words
broken into many pieces
  1. distracted
  2. bracing
  3. pressing
  4. shattered
Grade 2 Fill in the Blank Vocabulary
Grade 1 R-controlled Vowels CCSS: RF.1.3
Grade 3 Spelling
Choose the correct spelling.
  1. broken
  2. brokin
  3. brouken
Grade 9 Defining Words
incapable of being broken; permanent
  1. indissoluble
  2. obsequious
  3. expedient
  4. repressed
Grade 6 Defining Words
Readily broken down or rotted:
  1. clarity
  2. biodegradable
  3. confine
  4. inflammation
Grade 7 Defining Words
cries with a low broken sound
  1. moans
  2. whimpers
  3. shrieks
  4. howls
Grade 9 Lab Practices and Tools
If glass is broken, you should
  1. pick it up.
  2. tell the teacher.
  3. leave it.
Grade 5 Magnetism and Electricity
What is a circuit with a broken path?
  1. closed circuit
  2. light energy
  3. open circuit
  4. sound energy
Grade 7 Biochemical Pathways
Grade 5 Spelling
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