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Search Results for citizen - All Grades

528 questions match "citizen". Refine Your Search

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Grade 4 The Frontier
After Mexican independence, Tejanos became ______________.
  1. Spanish citizens
  2. empresarios
  3. slaves
  4. Mexican citizens
Grade 3 US Government
What is a CITIZEN?
  1. a person that is in a new country
  2. a person who is born in a country or who has earned the right to become a member of that country by law
  3. a person that travels very far
  4. a person from a foreign country
Grade 12 Immigration
The term describing unauthorized person living in the United States.
  1. documented citizens
  2. undocumented citizens
  3. undocumented alien
  4. documented alien
Grade 5 US Government
The vote of individual citizens is                .
  1. democracy
  2. popular vote
  3. economy
  4. electoral vote
Grade 3 US Government
What is a responsible citizen?
  1. a person who pollutes the environment
  2. a person who lives in a community
  3. a person who cares about others and works for the common good
  4. a person who litters
Grade 1 Social Studies
A responsible citizen would                            .
  1. throw trash in the street
  2. throw trash in the trash can
Grade 3 US Government
What is a responsible citizen?
  1. a person who cares about others and works for the common good
  2. a person who lives in a community
  3. a person who litters
  4. a person who pollutes the environment
Grade 9 US History
A naturalized citizen of the US:
  1. eats only organic food
  2. Is in the US illegally
  3. Has gone through the citizenship process
  4. can run for president
Grade 4 Legislative Branch
Grade 1 US Government
Grade 3 Social Studies Words
Choose the correct spelling.
  1. citisen
  2. citizen
  3. cityzen
Grade 2 US Government
A person who belongs to a community.
  1. citizen
  2. person
  3. family
Grade 6 US Government
What duties do citizens perform to help protect the rights of other citizens?
  1. giving them money, guns, and fight for them
  2. watch their houses for them, and help put out fires
  3. carry them to the stores, and cook for them
  4. appear in court if called upon, serve as witnesses, or they may perform jury duty
Grade 3 US Government
Grade 3 US Government
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