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Search Results for colonial - All Grades

843 questions match "colonial". Refine Your Search

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Grade 6 Colonial Period
Nickname for the middle colonies
  1. Breadbasket Colonies
  2. Freedom Colonies
  3. Debtor Colonies
  4. Mason Dixon Colonies
Grade 5 Colonial Period
The Plymouth colony became part of the                          in 1691.
  1. Pennsylvania Colony
  2. Delaware Colony
  3. Massachusetts Bay Colony
  4. New Netherlands Colony
Grade 4 Social Sciences
In which Colonial region was slave labor most utilized?
  1. The New England Colonies
  2. The Southern Colonies
  3. The Mid Atlantic Colonies
  4. The Penal Colonies
Grade 4 Spelling
Grade 8 Colonial Period
Delaware is part of the                     .
  1. Southern colonies
  2. New England colonies
  3. Middle colonies
  4. Europe
Grade 8 Colonial Period
Pilgrims and Puritans settled here
  1. Middle Colonies
  2. Southern Colonies
  3. New England Colonies
  4. All of the above
Grade 8 Colonial Period
In which colonial region was life expectancy the lowest?
  1. Europe
  2. Middle Colonies
  3. New England
  4. Southern Colonies
Grade 5 Colonial Period
Which colony is NOT a part of the Southern Colonies?
  1. Georgia
  2. South Carolina
  3. North Carolina
  4. Vermont
Grade 5 Colonial Period
Which colony is NOT a part of the Southern Colonies?
  1. Georgia
  2. South Carolina
  3. North Carolina
  4. Vermont
  5. Maryland
  6. Virginia
Grade 3 Colonial Period
A colony is
  1. a group of people living in a certain area
  2. something we were before we had states
  3. a group of bees
  4. a group of friends
Grade 2 Colonial Period
A colony is
  1. a small community
  2. a country in Europe.
  3. a place ruled by another country.
Grade 6 Social Studies
A colony is a...
  1. group of people who settle a distant land, but are still ruled by their native government.
  2. a group of countries that have banded together.
  3. big stomach
  4. big stomach..
Grade 5 Colonial Period
Why were the Middle Colonies known as the "breadbasket of the colonies"?
  1. They milled flour and shipped it to other colonies
  2. They baked bread and shipped it to other colonies
  3. They made baskets for bread for all the colonies
  4. They wove baskets for all colonies
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