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Search Results for combine - All Grades

998 questions match "combine". Refine Your Search

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Grade 7 Spelling
Indicate the correct answer.
  1. combin
  2. kinbine
  3. combine
  4. combinne
Grade 6 Combining Sentences CCSS: CCRA.L.3, L.6.3
Choose all of the ways you can combine sentences.
  1. Combine with phrases
  2. Combine with key words
  3. Combine with a longer sentence
  4. None of the above
Grade 9 Molecules and Compounds
A compound contains two or more
  1. elements physically combined.
  2. simple substances.
  3. elements chemically combined.
  4. nuclei combined with electrons.
Grade 6 Molecules and Compounds
Compounds are formed as a result of                       .
  1. a physical combination
  2. being pure
  3. a filtration mixture
  4. a chemical combination
Grade 6 Defining Words
To combine:
  1. merge
  2. motive
  3. necessitate
  4. passionate
Grade 5 Defining Words
Grade 5 Spelling
Choose the correct spelling.
  1. combanation
  2. combenation
  3. combination
Grade 5 Spelling
Choose the correct spelling:
  1. combinasion
  2. combination
  3. combenation
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