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Search Results for condition - All Grades

1180 questions match "condition". Refine Your Search

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Grade 9 Ancient History
Early humans lived in conditions that were determined by nature. These conditions are known as which one of the following:
  1. competitive conditions
  2. contemporary conditions
  3. primeval conditions
  4. primitive conditions
Grade 10 Cell Structure and Function
Grade 10 Cell Structure and Function
Grade 10 Cell Structure and Function
During                      , vacuoles lose water and cells shrivel.
  1. isotonic conditions
  2. hypotonic conditions
  3. hypertonic conditions
Grade 10 Logical Thinking
An "if... then..." statement.
  1. condition
  2. conditional
  3. hypothesis
  4. conclusion
Grade 12 Physics
Which boundary condition is a specific form of the Robin boundary condition?
  1. Dirichlet Boundary Condition
  2. Neumann Boundary Condition
  3. Cauchy Boundary Condition
  4. Periodic Boundary Condition
Continuing Education Abbreviations and Acronyms
What does gd. cond. probably mean?
  1. grand condition
  2. air conditioned
  3. good condo
  4. good condition
Grade 9 Adaptations and Behavior
Grade 12 Physics
What is another name for the Robin boundary condition?
  1. First-type boundary condition
  2. Second-type boundary condition
  3. Third-type boundary condition
  4. Periodic boundary condition
Grade 9 Adaptations and Behavior
Grade 9 Adaptations and Behavior
Grade 10 Adaptations and Behavior
A dog that always salivates at the ringing of a bell is showing
  1. habituation.
  2. classical conditioning.
  3. insight learning.
  4. operant conditioning.
Grade 10 Adaptations and Behavior
A rat that learns to press a button to get food is exhibiting
  1. habituation.
  2. insight learning.
  3. operant conditioning.
  4. classical conditioning.
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