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Search Results for consumer - All Grades

704 questions match "consumer". Refine Your Search

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Grade 5 Food Chains and Webs
Which series correctly describes how energy is passed among the four organisms?
  1. consumer, consumer, decomposer, producer
  2. decomposer, consumer, consumer, producer
  3. producer, consumer, consumer, decomposer
  4. consumer, decomposer, producer, consumer
Grade 8 Food Chains and Webs
A meat eater that eats secondary consumers is a
  1. primary consumer.
  2. secondary consumer.
  3. tertiary consumer.
  4. quaternary consumer.
Grade 8 Food Chains and Webs
A meat eater that eats tertiary consumers is a
  1. primary consumer.
  2. secondary consumer.
  3. tertiary consumer.
  4. quaternary consumer.
Grade 5 Food Chains and Webs
Which shows the correct flow of energy in a food web?
  1. decomposer - tertiary consumer - primary consumer - secondary consumer - producer
  2. producer - tertiary consumer - secondary consumer - primary consumer - decomposer
  3. decomposer - producer - primary consumer - secondary consumer - tertiary consumer
  4. decomposer - primary consumer - secondary consumer - tertiary consumer - producer
  5. decomposer - producer - tertiary consumer - secondary consumer - primary consumer
Grade 10 Food Chains and Webs
Which series orders organisms from those with the greatest amount of energy available to them to those with the least amount of energy available to them?
  1. secondary consumer, primary consumer, producer
  2. producer, secondary consumer, primary consumer
  3. primary consumer, secondary consumer, producer
  4. producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer
Grade 5 Food Chains and Webs
Grade 8 Food Chains and Webs
In a deciduous forest, insects, birds, rodents, and deer are
  1. tertiary consumers.
  2. secondary consumers.
  3. primary consumers.
Grade 7 Food Chains and Webs
An insect that eats grass is a                    on the trophic pyramid.
  1. producer
  2. primary consumer
  3. secondary consumer
  4. tertiary consumer
Grade 9 Food Chains and Webs
Which way should the arrow point in a food chain or web?
  1. from the consumer to the producer
  2. from the tertiary consumer to the producer
  3. from the secondary consumer to the tertiary consumer
  4. from the tertiary consumer to the secondary consumer
Grade 7 Food Chains and Webs
Grade 4 Food Chains and Webs
Which best describes the role of the organism in an ecosystem?
Pictograph - Larva
  1. producer
  2. primary consumer
  3. secondary consumer
  4. tertiary consumer
Grade 9 Food Chains and Webs
In an energy pyramid, at which trophic level does the least amount of energy exist?
  1. producer
  2. primary consumer
  3. secondary consumer
  4. tertiary consumer
Grade 8 Food Chains and Webs
Grade 7 Food Chains and Webs
Grade 8 Food Chains and Webs
A secondary consumer is a meat eater that eats
  1. primary consumers.
  2. tertiary consumers
  3. producers.
  4. secondary consumers.
Grade 8 Food Chains and Webs
Grade 9 Food Chains and Webs
Photosynthetic autotrophs are organisms that
  1. consume producers for energy.
  2. create their own food from sunlight.
  3. consume primary consumers for energy.
  4. consume secondary consumers for energy.
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