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Search Results for della - All Grades

17 questions match "della". Refine Your Search

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Grade 7 Short Stories (Fiction)

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Della worried that
  1. Jim had lost his job.
  2. she was going to have a baby.
  3. her hair would never grow back.
  4. Jim did not love her with short hair.
Grade 10 Renaissance and Reformation
Grade 7 Short Stories (Fiction)

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Jim's watch and Della's hair
  1. were their most-prized possessions.
  2. were what attracted them to one another.
  3. reminded them of when they were wealthy.
  4. gave them a regular source of income.
Grade 9 Short Stories (Fiction)
What does Della buy for Jim?
  1. a gun
  2. a new pair of shoes
  3. a watch chain
  4. a dog
Grade 7 Short Stories (Fiction)

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Why did Della get her hair cut?
  1. She wanted a different style.
  2. She needed money for Jim's present.
  3. She realized Jim did not like her long hair.
  4. She got a piece of gum stuck in her hair.
Grade 7 Short Stories (Fiction)

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Why did Della get Jim a chain for his watch?
  1. He was always losing his watch.
  2. It was the cheapest gift she could find.
  3. She wanted to get an expensive gift for him.
  4. She knew he was ashamed of his leather strap.
Grade 9 Short Stories (Fiction)
In the "Gift of the Magi," what gift does Jim buy for Della?
  1. set of combs
  2. diamond necklace
  3. feathered hat
  4. pair of gloves
Grade 12 Renaissance and Reformation
Grade 7 Short Stories (Fiction)

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How did Della feel about her new haircut?
  1. She hated it.
  2. She loved her new curls.
  3. She thought it was very chic.
  4. She felt a lot cooler and lighter.
Grade 7 Short Stories (Fiction)

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Which choice best describes how much Jim loved Della?
  1. He told her he wanted to have children.
  2. He liked her even though she looked like a boy.
  3. He sold his most-prized possession to buy her a gift.
  4. He came home from work early so he could be with her.
Grade 9 Short Stories (Fiction)
Grade 7 Short Stories (Fiction)

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Why was money particularly tight that Christmas?
  1. Their car broke down.
  2. Jim had taken a cut in pay.
  3. Della was pregnant with a baby.
  4. The apartment was very expensive.
Grade 7 Short Stories (Fiction)

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Why did Jim react strangely when he learned Della had cut her hair?
  1. He knew how much she loved her hair.
  2. He thought she was playing a trick on him.
  3. He had bought her a set of combs for Christmas.
  4. He did not know anyone who would bought women's hair.
Grade 7 Short Stories (Fiction)

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What happened when Jim got home?
  1. He yelled at Della.
  2. He laughed hysterically.
  3. He sat down to eat dinner.
  4. He had a peculiar look on his face.
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