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Search Results for dominant - All Grades

432 questions match "dominant". Refine Your Search

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Grade 10 DNA, RNA, and Genetics
If you are displaying a characteristic intermediate between your two parents, you are showing
  1. intermediate dominance.
  2. incomplete dominance.
  3. codominance.
  4. dominance.
Grade 10 DNA, RNA, and Genetics
If you are displaying a characteristic intermediate between your two parents, you are showing
  1. intermediate dominance.
  2. incomplete dominance.
  3. codominance.
  4. dominance.
Grade 9 DNA, RNA, and Genetics
What type of dominance allows a cow to be covered half in black fur and half in white fur?
  1. codominance
  2. allelic dominance
  3. incomplete dominance
  4. Mendellian dominance
Grade 4 Spelling
Choose the correct spelling.
  1. dominant
  2. dominunt
  3. domminant
  4. dominent
Grade 10 DNA, RNA, and Genetics
Grade 6 Defining Words
  1. very bossy
  2. edge
  3. completely destroy
  4. unclear in meaning
Grade 9 Spelling CCSS: CCRA.L.2, L.9-10.2, L.9-10.2c
Identify the correctly spelled word.
  1. dominent
  2. domenant
  3. domenent
  4. dominant
Grade 7 Defining Words
  1. to continue and not give up
  2. to have the most important place or greatest influence in
  3. to stop something along the way
  4. to take away legally
Grade 11 Reconstruction
After the Civil War, agriculture in the south was
  1. dominated by cotton
  2. dependent on many crops
  3. dominated by tobacco
  4. dominated by vegetables
Grade 9 DNA, RNA, and Genetics
Grade 8 DNA, RNA, and Genetics
When a trait does not dominate another, this trait demonstrates
  1. recessive.
  2. incomplete dominance.
  3. environmental factors.
  4. uncertain dominance.
Grade 7 DNA, RNA, and Genetics
When one trait is not completely dominant over another, it is
  1. recessive.
  2. incomplete dominance.
  3. environmental factor.
  4. uncertain dominance.
Grade 10 DNA, RNA, and Genetics
A situation in which a gene has more than two alleles is
  1. complete dominance.
  2. codominance.
  3. polygenic dominance.
  4. multiple alleles.
Grade 7 DNA, RNA, and Genetics
A certain type of pepper can be red or green. If the genotype of a green pepper shows two different alleles, then what is probably true of plant color?
  1. Green color is dominant.
  2. Red color is dominant.
  3. Red and green are co-dominant.
  4. Green peppers are a mutation.
Grade 7 Evolution
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