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Search Results for factor - All Grades

1582 questions match "factor". Refine Your Search

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Grade 7 Biotic and Abiotic
Living or once-living organisms in the environment are                   .
  1. biotic factors
  2. antibiotic factors
  3. abiotic factors
  4. scientific factors
Grade 6 Geography
Which is one of the 3 types of a push and pull factor of migration?
  1. Social factor
  2. Weather factor
  3. Building factor
Grade 10 Biotic and Abiotic
Essential materials for growth and reproduction are examples of                        .
  1. limiting factors.
  2. tolerance.
  3. atmospheric factors.
  4. biogeochemical factors.
Grade 7 Biotic and Abiotic
Grade 7 Biotic and Abiotic
What are the nonliving parts of the ecosystem such as water, dirt, and air called?
  1. abiotic factors
  2. biomes
  3. biotic factors
  4. ecological factors
Grade 5 STEM Words
Choose the correct spelling.
  1. facter
  2. factur
  3. factor
  4. factore
Grade 6 Biotic and Abiotic
What are biotic factors?
  1. nonliving factors
  2. living factors
Grade 6 Biotic and Abiotic
Grade 10 Biotic and Abiotic
What are the physical, or nonliving components, of an ecosystem called?
  1. biotic factors
  2. antibiotic factors
  3. abiotic factors
  4. temperate conditions
Grade 4 Primes, Factors, and Multiples CCSS: 4.OA.B.4
Grade 4 Primes, Factors, and Multiples CCSS: 4.OA.B.4
Grade 11 Light and Optics
If the distance from a light source is increased by a factor of 4, the illuminance                                 .
  1. also increases by a factor of 4.
  2. decreases by a factor of 16.
  3. increases by a factor of 16.
  4. decreases by a factor of 4.
Grade 9 Communities, Populations, and Ecosystems
A limiting factor that depends on population size is a                                  .
  1. size limiting factor
  2. prediction limiting factor
  3. completion limiting factor
  4. density-dependent limiting factor
Grade 10 Quadratic Equations and Expressions CCSS: HSA-SSE.B.3, HSA-SSE.B.3a
Grade 10 Biotic and Abiotic
The living parts of an environment are the                .
  1. abiotic factors
  2. biotic factors
  3. producers
  4. predators
Grade 6 Culture
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