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Search Results for female - All Grades

433 questions match "female". Refine Your Search

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Grade 2 People and Places
Choose the correct spelling.
  1. female
  2. femail
  3. femal
  4. femaile
Grade 1 Food Chains and Webs
Is a carnivore male or female?
  1. They are both male and female.
  2. They are female.
  3. They are male.
Grade 4 Zoology
Worker ants are
  1. male only.
  2. female only.
  3. male and female.
Continuing Education Culinary Arts
What is the percentage of males to females in the profession of a chef?
  1. male 77% female 19%
  2. male 20% female 70%
  3. male 60% female 40%
  4. male 19% female 85%
Grade 12 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Graduate Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatments
Grade 5 Zoology
Which bee can sting?
  1. male
  2. female
  3. both
Continuing Education People and Places
What is a female?
  1. a name
  2. a male
  3. a woman
  4. a class
Grade 12 Point of View CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.11-12.3

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The poet portrays thought as...
  1. male
  2. female
  3. no gender
College Speech and Voice Disorders
Grade 6 Adaptations and Behavior
Grade 9 DNA, RNA, and Genetics
A cat that has spots of more than one color (black and orange)                        .
  1. is probably female
  2. is probably male
  3. has no Barr body
  4. could be male or female
None Public Health
The Snap Canine Heartworm Test tests the blood for:
  1. Adult heartworms
  2. Antigen produced by female heartworms
  3. Microfilaria
  4. Female heartworms only
Grade 6 Nouns
Which of the following is a compound noun?
  1. snowfall
  2. tornado
  3. female
  4. balloon
Grade 7 Performance and Listening
The highest female voice.
  1. Alto
  2. Tenor
  3. Soprano
  4. Bass Clef
None Military
Females hair must be?
  1. Pulled up at all times.
  2. No longer than half way down there back.
  3. Neatly groomed and must not exceed the collar.
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