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Search Results for fishing - All Grades

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Grade 6 Zoology
These fish are the cartilaginous fish.
  1. sharks, skates, and rays
  2. tuna, salmon, and perch
  3. hagfish and lampreys
Grade 10 Zoology
These fish are called the jawless fish.
  1. sharks, skates, and rays
  2. tuna, salmon, and perch
  3. hagfish and lampreys
Grade 2 Plurals CCSS: CCRA.L.1, L.2.1, L.2.1b, L.3.1, L.3.1b
How do you make [fish] plural?
  1. fish
  2. fishes
  3. fishies
  4. fish's
Grade 2 Nouns
The fish that belong to the pond
  1. the pond fish
  2. the pond's fish
  3. the ponds fish
  4. the ponds' fish
Grade 3 Suffixes CCSS: CCRA.L.4, L.3.4, L.3.4b
If something is fishy, it is
  1. without fish.
  2. characterized by fish.
  3. afraid of fish.
  4. close to fish.
Grade 11 Zoology
The chimera is also known as the
  1. rabbit fish.
  2. dog fish.
  3. blob fish.
  4. skunk fish.
Grade 11 Zoology
Osteichthyes is commonly referred to as the
  1. jawless fishes.
  2. cartilaginous fishes.
  3. bony fishes.
  4. funny fishes.
Kindergarten Children's Literature
What kind of fish did the daddy bear catch?
  1. no fish
  2. a big fish
  3. a little fish
Grade 10 Zoology
These fish have long tube-like bodies and no scales.
  1. bony fish
  2. cartilaginous fish
  3. jawless fish
Grade 10 Zoology
Grade 10 Zoology
None Nouns

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  1. person
  2. place
  3. thing
  4. animal
  5. idea
Grade 5 Zoology
Fishes are
  1. cold-blooded.
  2. warm-blooded.
  3. reptiles.
  4. both a and c
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