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Search Results for george - All Grades

776 questions match "george". Refine Your Search

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Grade 4 Metaphor
Grade 11 The Great Gatsby
Who is George Wilson?
  1. A wealthy gangster
  2. Car mechanic
  3. The Narrator
  4. The Author
Grade 3 The Presidents
George Washington's picture is on the
  1. dollar and dime
  2. five dollar bill and penny
  3. dollar and quarter
  4. nickel and dime
Grade 9 Roaring 20s
Grade 10 A Raisin in the Sun
Who was George Murchison?
  1. a man that wants to marry Beneatha for her money
  2. a man from Africa that Beneatha dates
  3. a rich man that Beneatha dates
  4. a man that wants to be a doctor
Grade 5 Colonial Period
Who was the King of England in 1766?
  1. King George III
  2. King Fernando
  3. King George I
  4. King George's Dad
Grade 7 Latin America and Caribbean
Grade 7 Music History
Grade 2 Fact and Opinion
None Frequently Confused Words
Grade 8 Early National Era
Secretary of State to George Washington was
  1. Jefferson
  2. Randolph
  3. Knox
  4. Hamilton
Grade 3 The Presidents
George Washington served as president for
  1. one term.
  2. two terms.
  3. three terms.
  4. four terms.
Grade 3 The Presidents
George Washington is known as the father of:
  1. cherry trees
  2. Mount Vernon
  3. our country
  4. Virginia
Grade 8 Early National Era
Secretary of War to George Washington
  1. Jefferson
  2. Randolph
  3. Knox
  4. Hamilton
Grade 10 Of Mice and Men
What is George’s relationship with Lennie?
  1. Brothers
  2. Father and son
  3. Friends and travel companions
  4. Employer and employee
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