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Search Results for handle - All Grades

260 questions match "handle". Refine Your Search

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Grade 10 Lab Practices and Tools
Grade 9 STEM Words
Mark the correct spelling.
  1. Sizeing Handlees
  2. Sicing Handles
  3. Sizing Hanies
  4. Sizing Handles
Continuing Education Hand Tools
College Culinary Skills
For which task is it necessary to wear gloves?
  1. handling raw foods that will be cooked
  2. handling raw foods that will not be cooked
  3. handling all types of food
  4. all of the time except not when handling raw vegetables for salad
Grade 7 Defining Words
to handle or use roughly
  1. maul
  2. grim
  3. devour
  4. pamper
Grade 9 Hand Tools
Grade 5 Defining Words
botched or handled badly
  1. bungled
  2. brandishing
  3. contagious
  4. honored
Grade 6 Simple Machines
A faucet handle is an example of a                   .
  1. movable pulley
  2. wheel and axle
  3. push-pull meter
  4. second-class lever
College Medical Practices
Grade 12 Cosmetology
Grade 3 Themes
Grade 4 Spelling
Choose the spelling word that is spelled correctly.
  1. handeled
  2. handled
  3. handlied
  4. hanndeled
Grade 6 Defining Words
Grade 3 Simple Machines

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