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Search Results for jefferson - All Grades

385 questions match "jefferson". Refine Your Search

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Grade 9 A Lesson Before Dying
Jefferson was...
  1. Not involved with the robbery
  2. The robber
  3. The one who killed Brother
Grade 9 A Lesson Before Dying
Miss Emma is:
  1. Jefferson's mom
  2. Jefferson's godmother
  3. Jefferson's aunt
Grade 9 A Lesson Before Dying
Tante Lou is...
  1. Jefferson's mom
  2. Jefferson's godmother
  3. Jefferson's aunt
None Cities, States, and Countries

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Jefferson City
  1. Ohio
  2. Washington
  3. Maine
  4. Missouri
Grade 10 A Lesson Before Dying
Grade 8 Civil War
Jefferson Davis
  1. was elected to be president of a confederacy of independent states, not a union.
  2. had previously served as vice president of the US.
  3. never served in the military or held public office prior to the Civil War.
  4. was charismatic, charming, and an inspirational speaker.
Grade 9 The Presidents
Grade 10 A Lesson Before Dying
The last thing Miss Emma wants before she passes away is...
  1. To see Jefferson
  2. Jefferson to be let off as innocent
  3. For Jefferson to walk to the chair as a man
Grade 11 A Lesson Before Dying
What reason does Jefferson's lawyer give for sparing Jefferson's life?
  1. He did not intend to kill anyone
  2. The children of the town should not have to witness an execution
  3. His conviction will set off a riot
  4. He is no better than a fool or a hog
Grade 12 A Lesson Before Dying
Grade 8 Formation of the USA
Grade 10 A Lesson Before Dying
Why is Jefferson in jail?
  1. accused of theft
  2. accused of murder
  3. accused of rape
  4. accused of grand theft
Grade 10 A Lesson Before Dying
Grade 6 Civil War
Who was Jefferson Davis?
  1. Leader of the Union army
  2. First president of the United States
  3. President of the Confederacy
  4. Leader of slave rebellions
Grade 3 Early National Era
Thomas Jefferson is best known for:
  1. his work as a lawyer
  2. ending slavery
  3. writing the Declaration of Independence
  4. his many talents
Grade 4 The Presidents
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