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Search Results for lakes - All Grades

573 questions match "lakes". Refine Your Search

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Grade 4 US Geography
The Five Great Lakes are:
  1. Salt Lake, Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Erie, Lake Huron
  2. Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Moultrie, Lake Ontario, Lake Erie
  3. Lake Ontario, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, Lake Michigan, Lake Superior
  4. Lake Martin, Lake Huron, Lake Michigan, Lake Ontario, Lake Superior
Grade 8 US Geography
Grade 8 North American Geography
Grade 7 North American Geography
Which of these lakes is the largest freshwater lake in Central America?
  1. Lake Michigan
  2. Lake Murray
  3. Lake Hartwell
  4. Lake Nicaragua
Grade 7 US Geography
Grade 9 European Geography
Grade 5 Bodies of Water and Continents
Which is the largest of the Great Lakes?
  1. Lake Huron
  2. Lake Ontario
  3. Lake Michigan
  4. Lake Superior
Grade 7 African Geography
What is largest lake in Africa?
  1. Lake Kilimanjaro
  2. Lake Atlas
  3. Lake Victoria
  4. Lake Sahel
Grade 4 Oceanography and Hydrology
What are the largest surface freshwater system (lake) in the U.S.?
  1. The Great Lakes
  2. Crater Lake
  3. Pyramid Lake
  4. Flathead Lake
None US Geography
Of the 5 Great Lakes in North America, which one is ENTIRELY within the United States?
  1. Lake Huron
  2. Lake Superior
  3. Lake Erie
  4. Lake Michigan
  5. Lake Ontario
Grade 6 US Geography
Grade 6 African Geography
Africa's largest lake is
  1. Lake Huron
  2. Lake Mutanda
  3. Lake Zambia
  4. Lake Victoria
Grade 4 Bodies of Water and Continents
What is the deepest lake in the world?
  1. Lake Chad
  2. Lake Baikal
  3. Crater Lake
  4. Lake Superior
Grade 5 US Geography
What great lake boarders Ohio?
  1. Lake Superior
  2. Lake Huron
  3. Lake Michigan
  4. Lake Erie
Grade 6 African Geography
Africa's largest lake is                .
  1. Lake Tanganyika
  2. Lake Victoria
  3. Lake Malawi
  4. Lake Chad
Grade 9 African Geography
Africa’s largest lake is
  1. Lake Tanganyika
  2. Lake Victoria
  3. Lake Malawi
  4. Lake Chad
Grade 6 Simile
Which of the following examples is a simile?
  1. The lake was as smooth as glass.
  2. The lake was really smooth.
  3. The lake was flat.
  4. The lake was shiny.
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