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Search Results for lines - All Grades

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Grade 11 Poetry

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What stanza format does "In Flanders Fields" follow?
  1. 5 lines, 3 lines, 5 lines
  2. 5 lines, 5 lines, 5 lines
  3. 5 lines, 4 lines, 6 lines
  4. 5 lines, 4 lines, 5 lines
Grade 11 Light and Optics

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Grade 9 Volleyball
Which one of these lines are not part of the volleyball court?
  1. The end line
  2. The mid line
  3. The sky line
  4. The attack line
Grade 10 Visual Arts
The area where the land meets the sky in an artwork is called the:
  1. contour line
  2. horizon line
  3. diagonal line
  4. vertical line
Grade 12 Cosmetology
Grade 9 Points, Lines, and Planes CCSS: HSG-CO.A.1
What is a part of a line that is bounded by two points?
  1. Line segment
  2. Line piece
  3. Line portion
  4. Cut line
Grade 4 Zoology
The                 on a fish detects movement in the water.
  1. fishing line
  2. ventricle line
  3. phone line
  4. lateral line
Continuing Education Types of Drawings Used in Carpentry
Grade 9 The Tragedy of Julius Caesar
How long is the next scene depicting the first surge against each other?
  1. Six lines
  2. Ten lines
  3. Twenty lines
  4. Thirty lines
Grade 4 Symmetry and Transformations CCSS: 4.G.A.3
How many lines of symmetry does a square have?
  1. 0 lines
  2. 1 line
  3. 2 lines
  4. 4 lines
Grade 3 Supporting Details

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None Blueprints and Blueprint Reading
Continuing Education Surveying and Plot Plans
What type of line on a plot plan identifies the border of the property?
  1. Border line
  2. Property line
  3. Bearing line
  4. Setback line
Grade 8 Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions

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Continuing Education Exterior Installation Techniques and Terminology
Grade 4 Angles CCSS: 4.G.A.1
What are two lines that cross at a 90 degree angle called?
  1. a line
  2. an angle
  3. perpendicular lines
  4. parallel lines
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