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Search Results for martin - All Grades

240 questions match "martin". Refine Your Search

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Grade 11 Renaissance and Reformation
Martin Luther
  1. stressed the importance of the Bible and rejected elaborate church rituals
  2. believed in predestination
  3. sold indulgences
  4. killed the pope
None Adverbs
Choose the grammatically correct sentence.
  1. Martin drinks coffee never.
  2. Martin never drinks coffee.
Grade 6 Renaissance and Reformation
Followers of Martin Luther
  1. suffragettes
  2. mercantilism
  3. oligarchy
  4. protestants
Grade 9 Renaissance - 1400-1600
Grade 8 Renaissance and Reformation
Who led the Protestant Reformation?
  1. Martin Luther King, Jr.
  2. European scholars
  3. Martin Luther
  4. Pope Urban II
Grade 11 Renaissance and Reformation
Grade 8 Renaissance and Reformation
Who was the author of the 95 theses?
  1. Charles
  2. Henry
  3. Martin Luther
Grade 8 Renaissance and Reformation
Grade 3 Civil Rights
Who is Martin Luther King, Jr?
  1. President of the past.
  2. Brother of a past president.
  3. Leader of the Civil Rights Movement.
  4. Pastor of a Catholic Church
Grade 1 Civil Rights
Where was Martin Luther King born?
  1. New York City
  2. Birmingham
  3. Atlanta
Grade 9 Renaissance - 1400-1600
Grade 6 Civil Rights
Where was Martin Luther King born?
  1. Atlanta, Georgia
  2. Savannah, Georgia
  3. Washington, D.C.
Grade 10 The Lottery
Grade 2 Civil Rights
Martin gave his famous speech at
  1. The White House
  2. The Lincoln Memorial
  3. Philadelphia, PA
  4. Atlanta, GA
Grade 8 Sports
Milan and Martin are tied at 10 in a game to 11. Milan serves the ball and Martin misses it. What happens next?
  1. Milan scores the point and wins the game.
  2. Martin gets a second chance to hit the ball.
  3. They change sides of the net for the next serve.
  4. They continue until some one is ahead by two.
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