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Search Results for pounds - All Grades

419 questions match "pounds". Refine Your Search

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Grade 4 Multiplication
Grade 6 Proportional Relationships CCSS: 6.RP.A.3, 6.RP.A.3b
Grade 4 Customary Measurement Concepts CCSS: 4.MD.A.2
Grade 8 Infant Care (1-12 months)
The average weight of a baby at birth is:
  1. 7.1 pounds
  2. 8.0 pounds
  3. 6.5 pounds
  4. 7.5 pounds
Grade 5 Customary Measurement Concepts CCSS: 5.MD.A.1
Grade 5 Decimals CCSS: 5.NBT.B.7
Grade 4 Customary Measurement Concepts CCSS: 4.MD.A.2
Grade 6 Decimals CCSS: 6.NS.B.3
If 3 boxes weigh 15.9 pounds, what is the weight of each box?
  1. 18.9 pounds
  2. 47.7 pounds
  3. 12.9 pounds
  4. 5.3 pounds
Grade 5 Customary Measurement Concepts CCSS: 5.MD.A.1
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