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Search Results for project - All Grades

381 questions match "project". Refine Your Search

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Grade 6 Space Exploration
Which U.S. project was the first to land a human on the Moon?
  1. Project Surveyor
  2. Project Apollo
  3. Project Gemini
  4. Project Mercury
Grade 6 Space Exploration
Which U.S. project was the first to land a human on the Moon?
  1. Project Apollo
  2. Project Mercury
  3. Project Gemini
  4. Project Surveyor
Grade 8 Space Exploration
Which was the first human spaceflight program of the United States?
  1. Project Discovery
  2. Project Gemini
  3. Project Apollo
  4. Project Mercury
Grade 8 World War II
What was the code name for America's atomic bomb project?
  1. Project Nisei
  2. Manhatten Project
  3. Project Oppenheimer
  4. Los Alamos Project
Grade 6 Map Components
The most accurate way to show Earth's surface is a
  1. globe
  2. conic projection
  3. cylindrical projection
  4. planar projection
Grade 6 Map Components
The most accurate way to show Earth's continents and bodies of water is with a(n)
  1. Mercator projection
  2. globe
  3. Robinson projection
  4. equal-area projection
Grade 6 European Geography
The most accurate way to show the Earth's continents and bodies of water is with a
  1. Mercator projection.
  2. globe.
  3. Robinson projection.
  4. conformal map.
Grade 8 Map Components
Which would provide the most accurate comparison of the sizes of Antarctica and Europe?
  1. a flat map
  2. a cylindrical projection
  3. a conic projection
  4. a globe
Grade 8 The Presidents
Grade 4 Defining Words
To project a movie is to
  1. show it on a screen.
  2. plan to see it.
  3. tell others about it.
  4. find it in a video rental store.
Grade 4 Prefixes and Suffixes
not projected to win
  1. overdog
  2. underdog
Grade 11 Vocabulary
Define Project.
  1. to communicate or put forth
  2. an activity done in class
  3. science homework
  4. none of the above
Grade 6 Vocabulary CCSS: CCRA.L.4, L.6.4c
Grade 3 Spelling
Choose the correct spelling.
  1. project
  2. projekt
  3. projeckt
Grade 9 WWII
The secret U.S. project to create an Atom bomb was called
  1. The Manhattan Plan
  2. The Manhattan Project
  3. All Out War
  4. The New Mexico Project
None Interior Stairs and Railings
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