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Search Results for protection - All Grades

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None Vocabulary
What is the ADVERB of the verb 'protect'?
  1. protection
  2. protective
  3. protectively
None Vocabulary
What is the ADJECTIVE of the verb 'protect'?
  1. protection
  2. protective
  3. protectively
None Vocabulary
What is the NOUN of the verb 'protect'?
  1. protection
  2. protective
  3. protectively
College Microbiology
What type of protection is needed when you are exposed to hazards from flying particles?
  1. Eye protection
  2. Face protection
  3. Head protection
  4. Both a and b
None Skin, Skeleton, and Muscles
Bone cells aid the human with                            ?
  1. aid and protect
  2. protect and make bones stron
  3. support and protect
Grade 3 Lab Practices and Tools
Why do you wear gloves sometimes when doing experiments?
  1. To protect your hands
  2. To protect your eyes
  3. To protect your nose
  4. To protect your clothes
Grade 6 Defining Words
  1. protecting or made to protect
  2. to call from a foreign location
  3. testing done to determine placement
  4. the act of lying in wait to attack
Grade 12 Fire and Rescue
During a technical operation a variety of hazards may be encountered. The technical rescue ensemble should include all of the following except:
  1. protective gloves and boots.
  2. one or two piece protective garment.
  3. a protective helmet, eye protection, ear protection.
  4. an air purifying respirator.
Grade 5 Defining Words
protected, not in danger
  1. exciting
  2. safe
  3. flat
  4. tied
Grade 4 Defining Words
A protective barrier:
  1. flax
  2. enclosure
  3. stockade
Grade 10 Business Technology
Overdraft protection is
  1. a computer terminal used to conduct banking transactions.
  2. an automatic loan made to checking account to cover insufficient funds.
  3. a financial institution that is owned by depositors and specializes in savings accounts.
  4. a savings plan requiring that a certain amount be left on deposit for a stated time period.
Grade 4 Atmosphere
The ozone layer is beneficial to earth because                                        .
  1. it protects all living things on earth
  2. it protects some living things on earth
  3. it protects desert animals
  4. it protects sea animals
Grade 2 Skin, Skeleton, and Muscles
The skull protects               .
  1. heart
  2. lungs
  3. eyes and brain
  4. stomach
Continuing Education Business Technology
overdraft protection
  1. savings plan requiring that a certain amount be left on deposit for a stated time period
  2. automatic loan made to checking account to cover insufficient funds
  3. computer terminal used to conduct banking transactions
  4. financial institution that is owned by depositors and specializes in savings accounts
Grade 7 Skin, Skeleton, and Muscles
Grade 4 Defining Words
protecting, defending
  1. avoided
  2. minister
  3. numerous
  4. shielding
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