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Search Results for resistance - All Grades

554 questions match "resistance". Refine Your Search

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Continuing Education Exterior Framing - Decks, Fences, Porches
Fence posts can be installed directly in the ground if they have these characteristics.
  1. decay resistant
  2. mould resistant
  3. pest resistant
  4. All of the above
Grade 6 Defining Words
  1. unlikely to happen
  2. spread out
  3. to get into
  4. stand against, avoid temptation
Grade 10 Magnetism and Electricity
If length of a conductor and it's radius is increased twice, how the resistance will change?
  1. Resistance will remain unchanged
  2. Resistance increase twice
  3. Resistance will become half
  4. Resistance will increase 4 times
Grade 9 Bonds and Mixing
Resistance to flow is                .
  1. conductivity
  2. viscosity
  3. malleability
  4. state
Grade 9 Magnetism and Electricity
Grade 8 Physics
If a coin and a feather are dropped to the ground, which one will experience more air resistance?
  1. a coin will experience more air resistance
  2. a feather will experience more air resistance
  3. both experience the same air resistance
  4. no resistance will occur at all
Grade 4 Context Clues
Which of these resists rain?
  1. a daisy
  2. a pair of socks
  3. a raincoat
  4. soil
Grade 4 Context Clues
To resist a new rule is to:
  1. ask people to follow it
  2. get used to it
  3. fight against it
  4. obey it
Grade 8 Forces and Motion
Air resistance is a type of
  1. motion.
  2. friction.
  3. velocity.
  4. gravity.
Grade 4 Defining Words
Grade 8 Physics
What is air resistance?
  1. A force that opposes the motion of objects through the air
  2. The force that causes objects to fall toward the ground
  3. The force that causes objects to move in a circular path
  4. A force that causes objects to accelerate
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