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Search Results for rough - All Grades

305 questions match "rough". Refine Your Search

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Grade 10 Cell Structure and Function
Grade 5 Vocabulary
Grade 4 Defining Words
roughly; impatiently
  1. omnipotent
  2. trepidation
  3. brusquely
  4. emanate
Grade 2 Defining Words
rough or unpleasant
  1. dangerous
  2. harsh
  3. prevent
Grade 7 Defining Words
to handle or use roughly
  1. maul
  2. grim
  3. devour
  4. pamper
Grade 10 Vocabulary
Roughness of surface; unevenness.
  1. Asperity
  2. Imbue
  3. Extrovert
Grade 5 Defining Words
something that is overly rough
  1. officially
  2. brutal
  3. supposedly
  4. typically
Grade 6 Light and Optics
In an object, light is scattered on surfaces that are                   .
  1. Dull and rough
  2. Dull and smooth
  3. Shiny and smooth
  4. Rough and metallic
Grade 4 Defining Words
Grade 8 Defining Words
Roughness; harshness; irritability
  1. asperity
  2. amity
  3. ameliorate
  4. ambiguous
Grade 11 Defining Words
rough; coarse; harsh
  1. placid
  2. hangar
  3. nuance
  4. abrasive
College Speech and Voice Disorders
What does GRBAS stand for?
  1. Grade, Roughness, Breathing, Aphonia, Striated
  2. Grade, Roughness, Breath, Asthenia, Stridor
  3. Grade, Roughness, Breathiness, Aphonia, Stridor
  4. Grade, Roughness, Breathiness, Asthenia, Strained
Grade 3 Skin, Skeleton, and Muscles
What are the three main types of muscles in the body?
  1. cardiac, skeletal, and smooth
  2. voluntary, cardiac, and rough
  3. smooth, involuntary, and rough
Grade 9 Classical - 1750-1830
Grade 9 Defining Words
full of rough and exuberant spirit
  1. asylum
  2. bias
  3. boisterous
  4. brazen
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