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Search Results for services - All Grades

887 questions match "services". Refine Your Search

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Grade 7 Frequently Misspelled Words
Which word is spelled correctly?
  1. servicable
  2. serviceable
  3. servaciable
  4. surviciable
Grade 6 Sentence Structure
Which sentence is correct?
  1. They has no service.
  2. The service starts at noon.
  3. He was service to that family.
  4. That family had many indentured services.
Grade 2 Economics
A service is                                    .
  1. a thing you can touch.
  2. whether a thing is worth the price.
  3. a thing a person does for you.
  4. a problem.
Grade 4 Economics
To be successful a business must produce
  1. goods but not services
  2. goods and services using mostly human resources
  3. goods and services that people want
  4. goods and services with a high price
Grade 12 Badminton
To begin the game opponents do what?
  1. toss a coin for service or side.
  2. pick a number for service or side.
  3. rock, paper and sissor for service or side.
  4. arm wrestle for service or side.
  5. have the official appoint service or side.
None Public Health
Which of the following is not a method of cost containment?
  1. refraining from going to the doctor
  2. combination of medical services
  3. early preventitive services
  4. outpatient services
Grade 10 China
What did Emperor Wudi contribute to the Han dynasty?
  1. law codes
  2. poetry
  3. a postal service
  4. a civil service
Grade 12 Economics
What are services?
  1. Physical objects that people buy.
  2. Something that is important to survive.
  3. Action a person does for another for pay.
  4. Anything people use to make things.
Grade 12 Economics
What are services?
  1. Physical objects that people buy
  2. Something that is important to survive
  3. Action a person does for another person for pay
  4. Anything people use to make things
College Finance
What are the two basic categories of brokers?
  1. Discount, Online
  2. Discount, Full-service
  3. Full-service, Online
  4. Custom, Full-Service
  5. Custom, Discount
Grade 8 American Revolution
Grade 10 Job Search and Career
Economy refers to the ways in which a group:
  1. produces its goods and services
  2. distributes its goods and services
  3. consumes its goods and services
  4. All of the above
Grade 4 Economics
To be successful a business must:
  1. produce goods but not services
  2. produce goods and services using mostly human resources
  3. produce goods and services that people want
  4. produce goods and services with a high price
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