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Search Results for signed - All Grades

817 questions match "signed". Refine Your Search

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College Environmental Science
Which best describes the United States' action regarding the Kyoto Protocol?
  1. Signed
  2. Ratified
  3. Signed and ratified
  4. Neither signed nor ratified
Grade 10 US Government
What can the President do when a bill comes to him?
  1. sign it
  2. veto it
  3. sign it or veto it
Grade 7 Positive and Negative Numbers CCSS: 7.NS.A.1
When you add integers, if the signs are the same, the answer will be
  1. positive.
  2. negative.
  3. the sign that is there.
  4. the changed sign.
College Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatments
College Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatments
Grade 7 Golden Age
What important mathematical symbol or concept did Muslims name?
  1. the multiplication sign
  2. zero
  3. The equal sign
  4. long division
Grade 1 Phonics CCSS: RF.1.2, RF.1.2a
Continuing Education Occupational Safety (OSHA)
Diamond shaped signs indicate:
  1. warning signs
  2. stop signs
  3. railroad crossings
  4. safety hazards
Grade 10 Historical Fiction
How does society interpret Hester’s deportment?
  1. As an appeal for justice
  2. As an appeal to its generosity
  3. As a sign of guilt
  4. As a sign of defiance
Grade 7 Positive and Negative Numbers
When adding integers, if the signs are different, the answer sign is
  1. the sign that comes first.
  2. positive.
  3. negative.
  4. the sign of the number with the largest absolute value.
Grade 2 Social Studies
Grade 1 Short vowels CCSS: RF.1.2, RF.1.2a
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