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Search Results for slowly - All Grades

374 questions match "slowly". Refine Your Search

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Grade 10 Musical Terms
  1. Adagio
  2. Dolce
  3. Andante
  4. Piacere
Grade 3 Rocks
Grade 2 Spelling
Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
  1. slowlee
  2. slowly
  3. slowli
  4. slowlly
Grade 10 Musical Terms
Very Slowly:
  1. Largo
  2. Andante
  3. Libretto
  4. Dolce
Grade 7 Adjectives
Grade 4 Defining Words
Approached slowly and stealthily
  1. bows
  2. crept
  3. battle
  4. gnawed
Grade 4 Defining Words
walked steadily and slowly
  1. soared
  2. trudged
  3. dazzling
  4. requested
Grade 6 Defining Words
walked slowly and leisurely
  1. steely
  2. putrefying
  3. mammoth
  4. terse
  5. ambled
  6. shrouded
Grade 6 Defining Words
to walk slowly, stroll
  1. alias
  2. amble
  3. burly
Grade 4 Defining Words
walked steadily and slowly
  1. trudged
  2. greed
  3. dazzling
  4. honest
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