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Search Results for smell - All Grades

372 questions match "smell". Refine Your Search

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Grade 5 Respiration, Digestion, and Excretion
Grade 1 Rhymes
Grade 6 Defining Words
               a smell
  1. festival
  2. scan
  3. scent
  4. selecting
Grade 3 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
When you watch a movie, what two senses do you use?
  1. sight and smell
  2. sight and hearing
  3. smell and touch
  4. taste and smell
Grade 6 Defining Words
a bad smell
  1. stench
  2. restore
  3. vicinity
  4. furnish
Grade 7 Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions CCSS: CCRA.R.1, RI.7.1
What inference can be made about the sentences below?
The skunk is getting ready to spray. And if it does, you know what that means -- P-U!
  1. The skunk spray smells good.
  2. The skunk spray smells bad.
  3. The skunk doesn't smell like anything.
  4. The skunk spray smells sweet.
Grade 3 Defining Words
Pleasant to smell or taste
  1. Realize
  2. Magnificent
  3. Savory
  4. Fierce
Grade 5 Defining Words
Having a pleasant smell:
  1. fragrant
  2. heroic
  3. fatigue
  4. sensitive
Grade 3 Adaptations and Behavior
A nice smell is an adaptation that
  1. helps the plant keep water inside the leaves.
  2. pokes animals that try to eat the plant.
  3. attracts pollinators to the plant.
Grade 6 Verbs
That skunk SMELLS terrible!
  1. linking verb
  2. helping verb
  3. action verb
  4. adverb
Grade 6 Defining Words
having a pleasant smell
  1. fragrant
  2. repel
  3. furnish
  4. stench
Grade 3 Adaptations and Behavior
A bad smell is an adaptation that                                           .
  1. keeps animals away or attracts pollinators
  2. pokes animals that try to eat the plant
  3. makes animals sick or itchy
  4. keeps animals intact with one another
Grade 8 Defining Words
smelling of damp or mold
  1. musty
  2. liable
  3. impromptu
  4. superficial
Grade 10 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Taste and smell are considered to be
  1. somatic senses.
  2. chemical senses.
  3. thermal senses.
  4. mechanical senses.
Grade 9 Properties of Matter
College Culinary Skills
The inability to smell is called
  1. phantosmia.
  2. anorexia.
  3. anosmia.
  4. ageusia.
None Body Part and Clothing Words
College Culinary Skills
What are the two chemosensory senses?
  1. smelling, touching
  2. seeing, hearing
  3. tasting, touching
  4. smelling, tasting
Grade 8 Nervous and Endocrine Systems
What two senses work together the most?
  1. eyes and ears
  2. touch and smell
  3. taste and eyes
  4. taste and smell
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