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Search Results for sometimes - All Grades

522 questions match "sometimes". Refine Your Search

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Grade 3 Spelling
I will arrive                 tonight.
  1. sometime
  2. sometyme
  3. sumtime
  4. sometim
Grade 6 Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions CCSS: CCRA.R.1, CCRA.R.10, RI.6.1

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Based on the passage, you can infer that the Civil War started...
  1. Sometime around 1794
  2. Sometime around 1798
  3. Sometime around 1809
  4. Sometime around 1860
Grade 10 Points, Lines, and Planes
Grade 12 Macromolecules
Are enzymes reusable?
  1. yes
  2. no
  3. sometimes
Grade 3 Synonyms
  1. not
  2. always
  3. sometimes
None Adverbs
Choose the grammatically correct sentence.
  1. I go sometimes to the movies.
  2. I sometimes go to the movies.
Grade 10 Points, Lines, and Planes
Grade 5 Quadrilaterals CCSS: 5.G.B.3
A parallelogram is a square.
  1. never
  2. sometimes
  3. always
Grade 4 Earth's Layers
Grade 6 Study Skills and Strategies
Grade 5 Quadrilaterals CCSS: 5.G.B.3
Trapezoids are parallelograms.
  1. always
  2. sometimes
  3. never
Grade 5 Quadrilaterals CCSS: 5.G.B.3
A trapezoid is a quadrilateral.
  1. sometimes
  2. always
  3. never
Grade 5 Quadrilaterals CCSS: 5.G.B.3
A rhombus is a rectangle.
  1. always
  2. never
  3. sometimes
Grade 5 Quadrilaterals CCSS: 5.G.B.3
A rectangle is a parallelogram.
  1. never
  2. sometimes
  3. always
Grade 2 Spelling
Choose the word that is spelled correctly.
  1. sumtimes
  2. somtimes
  3. sometimes
Grade 11 Cell Structure and Function
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