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Search Results for stable - All Grades

213 questions match "stable". Refine Your Search

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Grade 11 Oceanography and Hydrology
Are barrier islands stable places to build homes and hotels?
  1. Yes, they are stable.
  2. No, they are not stable.
Grade 4 Defining Words
  1. A young woman
  2. Shelter for horses
  3. A search
  4. A castle
College Nuclear Chemistry
Grade 12 Solvents, Solutes, and Solubility
Grade 6 Atomic Structure
Grade 9 Atmosphere
Continuing Education Sports
An airplane said to be inherently stable will
  1. be difficult to stall.
  2. require less effort to control.
  3. not spin.
Grade 10 Macromolecules
Which of these are stable and hard to decompose?
  1. supersaturated compounds
  2. unsaturated fats
  3. saturated fats
  4. solvents
Grade 8 Reactions
Radioactivity is due to                                     .
  1. a stable electronic configuration
  2. an unstable electronic configuration
  3. a stable nucleus
  4. an unstable nucleus
Grade 11 Antonyms
What is the antonym of CAPRICIOUS?
  1. inconstant
  2. stable
  3. moody
  4. variable
Grade 11 Cosmetology
Grade 6 Synonyms
Which word means about the same thing as crude?
  1. vulgar
  2. stable
  3. careful
  4. distant
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