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Search Results for twice - All Grades

208 questions match "twice". Refine Your Search

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Grade 5 Multiplication CCSS: 5.NBT.B.5
[math]87 xx 343[/math]
  1. 430
  2. 29,829
  3. 29,824
  4. 29,821
Grade 6 ABC Order
None English as a Second Language ESL
Grade 8 Oceanography and Hydrology
How often do spring and neap tides each occur?
  1. once a month
  2. twice a month
  3. once every week
  4. twice per year
Grade 4 Spelling
Continuing Education Drugs and Alcohol
Grade 6 Algebraic Expressions CCSS: 6.EE.A.2, 6.EE.A.2a
Grade 9 DNA, RNA, and Genetics
Continuing Education Cosmetology
Grade 4 Daily Living Skills
Grade 5 Defining Words
Hesitate means:
  1. continue
  2. hurry
  3. hasten
  4. think twice
Grade 6 Verbs CCSS: CCRA.L.1

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Jane and Maasa swim twice a week.
  1. habitual or routine action
  2. action that is in progress at time of speaking
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