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This question group is public and is used in 2 tests.

Author: nsharp1
No. Questions: 3
Created: Apr 18, 2021
Last Modified: 3 years ago

Analyzing Data from a Box Plot, #2

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A company produces ball bearings. The ball bearings should be exactly 60 grams in mass, but most ball bearings differ slightly from this optimal target. A few have a much smaller or much larger mass, and these are rejected (they are not shipped to customers, but melted down and used to create new ball bearings). The company is trying out a new type of manufacturing process. They have recorded the mass of a sample of ball bearings from the old process, and a sample from the new process. These two sets are below, and are both measured in grams.

Old: {60.1, 60.2, 53.6, 59.1, 61.3, 58.8, 60.7, 59.2, 66.2, 58.7, 62.0, 57.1, 61.1, 60.5, 64.6, 59.5, 58.5, 59.4, 55.2, 63.5}

New: {57.3, 63.5, 60.1, 55.9, 64.0, 62.0, 58.2, 61.4, 59.4, 64.5, 64.7, 64.3, 57.3, 60.5, 58.2, 62.8, 56.7, 56.7, 63.2, 55.3}