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This question group is public and is used in 50 tests.

Author: szeiger
No. Questions: 7
Created: Jun 22, 2017
Last Modified: 7 years ago

Little Lost Fish

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Out in the ocean, far away from the beach
Lived a family of fish, way down underneath.
The smallest of the fish, with scales blue and green,
Would always leave the group without being seen.

One of those days, his mother caught him in the act,
“Don’t leave your school,” she said. “Or else you won’t be back.”
The little fish rolled his eyes and blew out some bubbles.
“Don’t worry Mom,” he said. “I'll stay out of trouble.”

His mother shook her head; she knew it was no use.
And as she suspected, he was again on the loose.
She tried not to worry, for it happened quite often.
But his mother knew, the ocean was big and easy to get lost in.

Day turned into night, and all the fish were in bed.
All except for one, who was somewhere else instead.
“Where is my son?” she asked, her eyes filled with tears.
“He knows it’s time to sleep and that he should be here.”

Little did she know, her little fish of blue and green
Had wandered away from school, when he spotted some baleen.
He followed his new friends for miles on his own,
Until he was somewhere strange, far away from home.

The little fish was scared, for he knew he was alone
Out in the big, blue sea, in a place that was unknown.
“Help,” the fish cried out, hoping someone would hear his cry.
And to his happiness, he saw a turtle passing by.

The little fish whipped his tail and swam as fast as he could.
If anyone would help him, an old, wise turtle would.
“Do you know where the reef is?” asked the little fish.
“Follow the current,” said the turtle, “if to find the reef you wish.”

The little fish turned around, and did as the turtle said.
He hoped it was correct and that his home was straight ahead.
To his disappointment, the reef was not around.
Lost in the big, blue sea, the fish heard a strange sound.

“Can anyone help me?” he cried out in need of help.
But all that he could see was a forest full of kelp.
The little fish was scared, for he knew that it was late.
If he didn’t get home fast, he knew he’d be shark bait.

And then in the distance, the fish saw something move.
He wasn’t sure what it was, but knew it was long and smooth.
Afraid for his life, the fish swam away crying.
Only to soon realize, it was a friendly sea lion.

“Why are you sad?” the sea lion asked concerned.
The fish shared his story and everything he'd learned.
“I shouldn’t have left alone, because now I’m lost.
I’ll listen next time,” he said, “and practice safety at any cost.”

The sea lion gave a smile that encouraged his newfound friend.
“Swimming with a buddy,” he said, “is something I always recommend.”
The sea lion stayed by the fish, as they traveled through the deep,
Swimming all over the ocean, in search of the fish’s reef.

It wasn’t until morning, that the fish saw something bright.
“Look down there!” he cried, pointing to the reef that was in sight.
The fish swam down toward it, happy to be home.
That day he learned a lesson: Never swim alone!
Grade 3 Character Study
Which word describes the little fish?
  1. smart
  2. honest
  3. beautiful
  4. adventurous
Grade 3 Summarizing
What happened to the little fish?
  1. He got lost.
  2. He met a turtle.
  3. He went on a field trip.
  4. He fell asleep during school.
Grade 3 Cause and Effect
Why did the little fish get into trouble?
  1. He talked to strangers.
  2. He did not listen to his mother.
  3. He got caught in the middle of a storm.
  4. He did not study for his swimming test.
Grade 3 Character Study
How did the little fish feel when it started to get late?
  1. He was tired.
  2. He was afraid.
  3. He was proud.
  4. He was excited.
Grade 3 Summarizing
How did the little fish get home?
  1. He found a map.
  2. He called his mother.
  3. He asked a sea lion for help.
  4. He went back the way he came.
Grade 3 Theme
What lesson did the little fish learn?
  1. Never swim alone
  2. Be nice to sea lions
  3. Listen to your mother
  4. Always look for the reef