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Type: Matching Text
Category: US Laws and Amendments
Level: Grade 6
Tags: constitutional amendments
Author: atebben
Last Modified: 4 years ago

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US Laws and Amendments Question

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Grade 6 US Laws and Amendments

Match the constitutional amendments from the Bill of Rights with its effects.
__ Establishes the freedoms of religion, speech, and the press A. 3rd
__ Establishes the right to bear arms B. 10th
__ Prohibits quartering of soldiers in homes C. 6th
__ Prohibits search and seizures with out cause D. 5th
__ Establishes the right to due process and prohibits self-incriminating testimony E. 4th
__ Establishes the right to a trial by jury F. 1st
__ Establishes the right to a jury in civil cases G. 8th
__ Prohibits cruel and unusual punishments H. 9th
__ Protects rights not mentioned in the Constitution I. 7th
__ Establishes the fact that the federal government has only the powers given to it by the Constitution. J. 2nd
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