Question Info

This question is public and is used in 306 tests or worksheets.

Type: Fill-In-The-Blank
Category: Range, Median, Mean, and Mode
Level: Grade 10
Score: 3
Tags: mean, median, mode, range
Author: LSandifer
Last Modified: 6 years ago

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Range, Median, Mean, and Mode Question

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Grade 10 Range, Median, Mean, and Mode

The maximum monthly temperatures for a city for one year are recorded below.

15.0, 16.4, 23.7, 35.1, 40.4, 42.2, 40.4, 38.7, 29.9, 23.6, 20.0, 15.2

a. What is the mean maximum temperature for the year?        28.38        

b. What is the mode temperature for the year?       40.4       

c. What is the median temperature for the year?        26.8       
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