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Type: Multiple-Choice
Category: Cause and Effect
Level: Grade 10
Standards: CCRA.R.3, RL.9-10.3
Score: 1
Tags: ELA-Literacy.RL.9-10.1, ELA-Literacy.RL.9-10.3
Author: ReadingMatters
Created: 10 years ago

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Cause and Effect Question

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(excerpt from Chapter 1 of Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie)

Mrs. Darling loved to have everything just so, and Mr. Darling had a passion for being exactly like his neighbours; so, of course, they had a nurse. As they were poor, owing to the amount of milk the children drank, this nurse was a prim Newfoundland dog, called Nana, who had belonged to no one in particular until the Darlings engaged her.

She had always thought children important, however, and the Darlings had become acquainted with her in Kensington Gardens, where she spent most of her spare time peeping into perambulators, and was much hated by careless nursemaids, whom she followed to their homes and complained of to their mistresses. She proved to be quite a treasure of a nurse. How thorough she was at bath-time, and up at any moment of the night if one of her charges made the slightest cry. Of course her kennel was in the nursery. She had a genius for knowing when a cough is a thing to have no patience with and when it needs stocking around your throat. She believed to her last day in old-fashioned remedies like rhubarb leaf, and made sounds of contempt over all this new-fangled talk about germs, and so on. It was a lesson in propriety to see her escorting the children to school, walking sedately by their side when they were well behaved, and butting them back into line if they strayed.

On John's footer (in England soccer was called football, "footer" for short) days she never once forgot his sweater, and she usually carried an umbrella in her mouth in case of rain. There is a room in the basement of Miss Fulsom's school where the nurses wait. They sat on forms, while Nana lay on the floor, but that was the only difference. They affected to ignore her as of an inferior social status to themselves, and she despised their light talk. She resented visits to the nursery from Mrs. Darling's friends, but if they did come she first whipped off Michael's pinafore and put him into the one with blue braiding, and smoothed out Wendy and made a dash at John's hair.

No nursery could possibly have been conducted more correctly, and Mr. Darling knew it, yet he sometimes wondered uneasily whether the neighbours talked. He had his position in the city to consider.

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Grade 10 Cause and Effect CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.9-10.3

What is the main cause of Mr. Darling's concern about his reputation?
  1. He is not sure if his children should attend Miss Fulsom's school.
  2. He is worried about missing some of John's soccer games.
  3. He is troubled by how Nana disciplines his children on the way to school.
  4. He is concerned that people will think less of him for hiring Nana.
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