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Type: Multiple-Choice
Category: Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets
Level: Grade 8
Author: LBeth
Last Modified: 6 years ago

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Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets Question

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Grade 8 Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets

Two objects have been placed next to incorrect definitions in the table. Which two solar system objects should be switched to make the table correct?
Sunstar at the center of our solar system
Cometmostly round body that orbits the Sun and has not cleared its region of objects
Moonnatural satellite that orbits a planet
Planetmostly round body that orbits the Sun and cleared its region of objects
Asteroidsmall rocky object - often contains metals
Dwarf Planeticy rocky body that forms two long tails of dust when it nears the Sun
  1. comet and moon
  2. asteroid and sun
  3. planet and dwarf planet
  4. dwarf planet and comet
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