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Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets Questions - All Grades

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Grade 7 Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets
Grade 3 Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets
What comes between the inner and outer planets?
  1. an asteroid belt
  2. the Milky Way
  3. the Sun
  4. Titan
Grade 3 Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets
Grade 7 Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets
Grade 5 Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets
Grade 5 Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets
Balls of ice, dust, rocks, and gases form these.
  1. asteroids
  2. meteors
  3. meteorites
  4. comets
Grade 8 Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets
Grade 4 Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets
What is a meteor?
  1. a planet
  2. the Moon
  3. the Sun
  4. a piece of rock burning as it enters Earth's atmosphere
Grade 3 Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets
Grade 8 Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets
Meteoroids usually come from                          .
  1. solar winds
  2. comets or asteroids
  3. debris from other planets
  4. beyond the solar system
Grade 6 Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets
What is the name for the area in between Mars and Jupiter?
  1. The Kuiper Belt
  2. The Asteroid Belt
  3. Nebula
  4. Ceres
Grade 5 Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets
What is a meteorite?
  1. a bright streak of light that passes through Earth's atmosphere
  2. large clouds of gas and dust in space that is the beginning or ending of a star
  3. a piece of a meteor that lands on Earth after passing through the atmosphere
  4. a group of stars that appear to make a pattern
Grade 7 Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets
Where do we find most asteroids in our solar system?
  1. Between Mars and Earth
  2. Between Mars and Jupiter
  3. Between Mars and Saturn
  4. Between Mars and Pluto
Grade 4 Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets
What is a moon?
  1. Part of a far away universe
  2. An object travelling around outer space
  3. An object that travels around the Sun
  4. An object that travels around a planet
Grade 6 Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets
Grade 8 Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets
Grade 4 Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets
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