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Air Force Questions - All Grades

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None Air Force
Oil Tank

Total            15.75 gal            

Useable            8.65 gal           

Foaming Space          5.7 gal          

Unusable Oil          1.4 gal          
None Air Force
What is max speed for Takeoff / Approach, Degrees of Deflection, Percent of travel
None Air Force
Fire Bottles contain            10.5 lbs            of Bromotrifloromethane and           600 psi           of Nitrogen
None Air Force
Feather Motor Cutout
None Air Force
Max Airspeed for Landing Gear Extended
None Air Force
Burner Can Liner Drain Closes with Air pressure
None Air Force
Max Airspeed for Landing Lights
None Air Force
Max Airspeed for APU Doors
None Air Force
Max airspeed With Landing Gear Extended (greater than 1g)
None Air Force
Capacity of the W/S Washer
None Air Force
Max APU altitude for Engine Starting
None Air Force
Max APU altitude for Generataor Use
None Air Force
Max Airspeed For Landing Gear Retraction
None Air Force
Max Speed For Land, Degrees of Deflection, Percent of Travel
None Air Force
Max Airspeed For Maneuver, Degrees of Deflection, Percent of Travel
None Air Force
Max Airspeed for Flaps up, Degrees of Deflection, Percent of travel
None Air Force
Power Section Fluctuations
None Air Force
RGB Permissable Flux
None Air Force
Max Airspeed for Main Cabin Doors
None Air Force
Max Airspeed for Overwing Exit inflight
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