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Asking and Answering Questions Questions - All Grades

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Grade 4 Asking and Answering Questions
Answer: Reading a book.

What's the question?
  1. What are you doing?
  2. Where are you going?
  3. How have you been?
  4. Why are you so tired?
Grade 4 Asking and Answering Questions
Answer: At the snack bar.

What's the question?
  1. What's for dinner?
  2. What are you eating?
  3. Why do you have a hamburger?
  4. Where did you get that ice cream cone?
Grade 12 Asking and Answering Questions
Choose the best question to continue the conversation.

My aunt is going to stay with me.
  1. How was it?
  2. How is she?
  3. How long will she stay?
  4. How far will she stay?
Grade 1 Asking and Answering Questions
Choose the best answer to the question.

Who is your teacher?
  1. my brother
  2. Mrs. Johnson
  3. in the fifth grade
  4. Seabrook Elementary School
Grade 4 Asking and Answering Questions
Answer: James, Zoe, and Elizabeth.

What's the question?
  1. What are you reading?
  2. Who's coming over to play?
  3. Why did you go to the pool?
  4. Where do you want to go tomorrow?
Grade 5 Asking and Answering Questions
Choose the best response to the question.

What grade are you in?
  1. The girl is sleeping
  2. At school
  3. In the fifth grade
  4. Tessaban 1 school
Grade 1 Asking and Answering Questions
Choose the best answer to the question.

What time does the movie start?
  1. 8 pm
  2. Terminator II
  3. on Broad Street
  4. I'll meet you there.
Grade 4 Asking and Answering Questions
Answer: I forgot to put on sunscreen.

What's the question?
  1. Why is your skin so red?
  2. Where did you get your bathing suit?
  3. Why are you wearing goggles in the pool?
  4. Where are we going this afternoon?
Grade 1 Asking and Answering Questions
Grade 1 Asking and Answering Questions
Choose the best answer to the question.

What toppings do you want on your pizza?
  1. delivery
  2. in thirty minutes
  3. from Pizza Shack
  4. pepperoni and mushroom
Grade 12 Asking and Answering Questions
Choose the best response to the question.

When can we meet again?
  1. Where are you?
  2. When are you free?
  3. Can I meet you?
  4. Can you see me?
Grade 4 Asking and Answering Questions
Answer: No way.

What's the question?
  1. When did you wake up?
  2. What did you do at the pool today?
  3. When do you go back to school?
  4. Are you ready for summer to end?
Grade 4 Asking and Answering Questions
Answer: Three weeks.

What's the question?
  1. What time is it?
  2. How long will you be gone?
  3. What is the temperature today?
  4. How often do you go to the pool?
Grade 1 Asking and Answering Questions
Choose the best answer to the question.

Who ordered the pizza?
  1. I did
  2. Twenty bucks
  3. In thirty minutes
  4. Two pepperoni pizzas
None Asking and Answering Questions
Where do you live?
  1. I am live in Barcelona.
  2. My live is Barcelona.
  3. I live in Barcelona.
  4. I lives in Barcelona.
Grade 3 Asking and Answering Questions
Answer: At the pool.

What's the question?
  1. What time did you wake up?
  2. What do you want for lunch?
  3. Where are you going?
  4. Where is your sister?
Grade 4 Asking and Answering Questions
Answer: On my towel.

What's the question?
  1. Where are your goggles?
  2. What do you want to do today?
  3. How many snacks did you bring?
  4. Did you get water in your eyes?
Continuing Education Asking and Answering Questions
How do you ask someone to say something again when you did not understand what they said?
  1. Could you repeat that again?
  2. What does that mean?
  3. What do you mean by?
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